2025 Melfort Minor Tackle Season Dates and Information
There are 2 age groups 12U Grades 5-6 and 14U Grades 7-8
Minimum weight is 70lbs for players in Grade 5
Fee is $180 for the season. All equipment is provide except cleats and water bottle. Players will also receive an exclusive MMF t-shirt.
Equipment hand out will be Monday April 14th and Tuesday April 15th at MUCC. An email will be sent out when we get closer to the date to indicate which day you will be asked to pick up your equipment.
Day 1 Monday April 28th MUCC Field 6:30-8:30pm
Practices will be Mondays and Wednesday with games on Thursdays.
All practice times are 6:30-8:30pm
There will be no games until Week 3 of the season so the first 2 Thursdays will be practice only.
Players will be divided up into 4 teams each with a bantam group and a pee wee group.
Home Jamboree is Saturday June 7th 2025
All parents are expected to help run the booth and yard markers that day.
The last day of the season will be games on Wednesday June 18th instead of practice.
Equipment return will be June 19th 5:00pm. We will have a FREE BBQ for the players. Families are welcome to join but will have to pay for a burger and pop.
We hope to go to other Jamborees but will know closer to the season. The 12U & 14U group may go to one out of town jamboree. These will be one day only jamborees, typically Saturdays and are optional.