Melfort Minor Football
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2025 MMF NFL Flag Football Registration Information

Open to boys and girls in Grades 1 - 2 and 3 - 4.

Practices/games will be from 5:30-6:30 Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Players will be given a team jersey, shorts and flag belt which they can keep at the end of the season.  Players will need to provide their own football/soccer cleats and water bottle.  Players will also receive a mouthguard which must be worn at all times on the field.  Players will not be allowed to participate without one.  It is suggested to purchase a long sleeve undershirt(for cooler days) and compression shorts.  Gloves are optional.  

Season will begin Tuesday May 13th and conclude Thursday June 19th. 

We will be hosting a Jamboree on June 7th.  More details will be available closer to the date.

We will also be attending a Jamboree in Tisdale with a date TBD.

There will be a BBQ following the last practice. Players eat for free.  Families are welcome to join but will have to pay for a burger and pop.

Fee is $125.00